Episode 2

Published on:

3rd Nov 2020

T2 | EP #2 - À conversa com Mikaela Övén - O Poder do Mindfulness na Voz

A Mikaela Övén é Facilitadora de Mindfulness, Coach, Formadora e Palestrante, Autora dos Livros “Heartfulness – Enfrente a vida de coração aberto” e “Educar com Mindfulness”, "Educar com mindfulness na adolescência" e Fundadora da Academia de Parentalidade Consciente. 

A sua citação preferida é de Rumi "Aonde queres que estejas, sê a alma desse lugar."

Nesta conversa abordamos atenção plena na comunicação com o outro, como é que a comunicação entre pais e filhos influencia a futura voz interna, a relação entre "estar presente" e "ter voz"no nosso dia-a-dia, o poder das pausas...e muito mais!

Para saber mais sobre o trabalho da Mikaela Övén:

Site: http://mikaelaoven.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miafulness/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miafulness
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mikaela-övén-1839164

Se quiser partilhar as suas reflexões pode contactar-me:

E-mail: info@voicepowerleadership.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/inesmoura/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/voicepowerleadership/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/coachingvocal.im/

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If you want to know more about how to Voice Your Value, book a FREE 30-minute complimentary call, where we will discuss your communication challenges and goals.

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Show artwork for Your Voice Matters - by Inês Moura

About the Podcast

Your Voice Matters - by Inês Moura
We all want to be heard, to feel connected to other people and to make a difference in the world. This podcast aims to help leaders, business owners, experts and entrepreneurs to find inspiration, tips and strategies to express themselves better and take a leap in the career. Created by Inês Moura, an Executive Vocal Coach with over a decade of experience, this show runs every two weeks with solo episodes & interview with guests with the most diverse backgrounds. If you want to tap into the power of your voice check the website: www.voicepowerleadership.com/en and schedule a Free 30-minutes Discovery Call.

About your host

Profile picture for Inês Moura

Inês Moura

Executive Vocal Coach, whose purpose is to help people achieve their personal and professional goals by teaching them to use their voice with confidence and authenticity. Her work is based on an integrated approach which helps her clients to communicate with more impact. Through personalized training and by using the right techniques she will help you reveal your best voice for increased autonomy, effectiveness, and clarity in communicating. With over 10+ years of experience in helping Leaders, Business Owners & Industry Experts take their voices to the next level she believes that everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard!